Great King Of Ulster: Conchobar mac Ness
/Many of the great kings that existed throughout history are defined as having power, wisdom, and strength. Conchobar mac Ness, the legendary king of ancient Ulster, was no stranger to such things. His life, shrouded in mystery, wasn’t an easy one, especially for a man of his status. His tale, both epic and tragic, paved way for more kings of his caliber emerge.
Mysterious Childhood
Conchobar mac Ness’s life began with unknown origins. It is wildly accepted that Conchobar was the son of Ness, but the identity of his father remained mysterious. One tale proclaimed him the son of Fachtna Fáthach, who was the High King of Ireland. While another one claims he is the son of Cathbad the chief druid. Either way, it was a confusing start to Conchobar’s life.
Not everything would be bad for the boy, however. It was prophesied by Cathbad (the possible father of Conchobar) that the boy was destined for greatness, and to rule with strength and wisdom. Such prophecies were not seen as foretelling for the future, but as divine mandates. This news gave Conchobar a sense of both duty and destiny.
Ruler of Ulster
Credit: Danaka Johnson on pintrest
Conchobar rose to power through his stepfather, Fergus mac Roich, after the king fell in love with Conchobar’s mother. Ness would convince Fergus to give up power for a year to let her son be king. The plan worked, as Conchobar became popular amongst the population for his ability to lead. This caused Fergus to lose his throne after a war with Conchobar.
Ulster would become a powerhouse. Conchobar, wise himself, was backed behind a strong council. He held on to the Brehon Laws that governed everything about Ireland. The political landscape of Ulster turned into one of vigilance and strategic defense. Despite this, the kingdom still found itself being a nexus broad regional conflict. But Conchobar countered this with diplomacy and marital prowess.
Yet, the king was no stranger to conflict. He was a warrior, as most kings were, but the difference was his ability to understand strong defense and use of allies. He focused most of his policies on strengthening up the fortifications of Emain Macha, the capital of Ulster. He kept his warriors loyal through his use of grants of land and the promise of wealth.
One of Conchobar’s famous campaigns was during the Tan Bo Cuailnge or the Cattle Raid of Cooley. Queen Medb of Connacht started the conflict after a bid to steal a prized bull named Donn Cuailnge. This conflict proved importance for the king. As his leadership and ability to inspire his warriors was fully presented. Plus, the conflict showed the true might of the Ulster army.
credit: Giacento Gaudenzi
Elite Warriors
But his biggest contribution to the military came with the creation of the Red Branch Knights. These warriors, intertwined with the royal court of Ulster, held high positions of honor. Their elite status came from their exceptional skills in combat, unwavering loyalty, and their primary role in protecting the king and realm. The duties of these high members included, defending the kingdom, execute the orders of the king, and continue the principles of honor and bravery.
Because of these honors and duties, Conchobar and his knights had a complicated relationship. Despite being a king and having power, he still needed the Red Branch Knights. The Red Branch Knights owed everything to their king, including their honor and prestige. Without the support of such warriors, Conchobar wouldn’t have had the chance to keep his power. This relationship, no matter how important, showed how much King Conchobar valued the warriors around him.
Fall of the King
Conchobar mac Ness, a life that began tragic, and ended the same. During times of battles, and gruesome rituals, Conchobar would find himself a victim. A lead ball, used in these rituals, found itself in the hands of a Connacht warrior. A treacherous chance had emerged for this warrior, most likely as an attempt to impress ladies from the opposing army. The ball slammed into the king’s skull, but he had survived. Although he was told do avoid exertion, anger, or excitement.
However, he finally met his end when he heard of Jesus. He was devastated to find Jesus was executed despite committing no crimes. In a fit of rage, he bashed his sword against several trees. Due to his weakened frame, and excessive emotions, he strained himself and took his final breath.
Joshua Young is a professional writing student at Algonquin College. He looks to one day be a published fantasy author. He is inspired by both the Science Fiction and Fantasy genre. The books in this genre include A Song of Ice and Fire, Berserk, Dune, and the Dark Tower Series. He is a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, although he sometimes hates to admit. This is because he is afraid of getting beat up. Like any Leafs fan, he waits for them to get passed the first round of the Playoffs and win a Stanley Cup.