When You Just Can't Wynne

Leaving my house the other day, I noticed that several poles in my neighborhood had been plastered with posters blasting Kathleen Wynne. I noticed in passing that these posters had a horse-like caricature with Wynne’s characteristic glasses on them.

I didn’t understand. What does the Premier of Ontario have to do with horses?

It bothered me for days. I went back on a mission to find the evidence, but they had all been taken down. On Sunday, I saw one on my way to brunch poking out from under another (much better quality) poster. I could feel passersby giving me the side eye while I tried to inconspicuously remove it from the pole without damaging the other posters and put it in my pocket.

Horse-faced (adj.) dates back to the 1670s, meaning a long, rough, ugly face. Today, it's almost synonymous with Sarah Jessica Parker (who is a gorgeous woman with an oval face).

Why are we still referencing something as irrelevant as attractiveness when attacking policies? 

Perhaps the horse cartoon was making reference to investments she made in horse racing in Ontario, but the connection was easy to make. Justin Trudeau feels our pain: We can all thank our objectified prime minister's stylist for finally having a proper female representation in caucus. 

Similarly, the #CovertheAthlete campaign is speaking out against the media's sexist coverage of female athletes. Try asking one of these ticked-off dudes to smile after being asked a question like that. 

Photo Credit: Emily Theelen


Emily is a spoiled firstborn and an aspiring editor. She has a Bachelor of General Social Sciences from the University of Ottawa and works part-time as a waitress. In her spare time, she can be found in her apartment compiling her imaginary sneaker collection on Pinterest, snacking, and balancing on her head (sometimes at the same time). 

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