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Who Controls the World?

Some of us answer to our parents, some of us to our boss at work. At the top of the command chain, there are CEOs, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Generals and so on. Are these the only kinds of power-players that exist in the world?

Some people believe that there are secretive forces at work, influencing our lives and our world in ways we don’t know about. Some of these supposed mysterious power-players include:

Image Taken from public domain

·         Corporations

·         Secret Societies

·         Illegal Organizations

·         Advanced Alien Overlords…

Oh, yes, we’re going there.


Are we being controlled by super-powerful corporations? Let’s look at the facts a little.

The American Media:

Image taken from Pixabay.com

·         Six corporations control more than ninety percent of all media.

·         Check it out here: American Media Breakdown

Consumer Goods:

·         Ten companies control almost every large food and beverage brand in the world.

·         Check that out here: Food and Beverage Breakdown

If you look at other industries, such as the oil industry, you’ll find that there are some giants there too. However, they only account for about six percent of the world’s oil reserves.

·         Check that out here: Big Oil

So, how much control do large corporations have on all of our lives? You’ll have to decide for yourself on this one.

Secret Societies:

Image taken from Wikipedia.org

When it comes to this category, it’s hard to know where to begin. As per usual, Wikipedia is not a bad place to begin any investigation.

·         Secret Societies

Let’s focus on an infamous secret society: The Illuminati

According to an online article by “The Guardian,” a U.S. Survey in 2013 found that twenty-eight percent of people believed in the existence of the Illuminati. They’re not exactly wrong.

Indeed, historically, the Illuminati was a real group. It was founded in Bavaria on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt. Its existence was eventually banned. That’s where things get interesting.

Conspiracy theorists have developed all kinds of beliefs about the continued existence of the Illuminati and the influence they may have on our world, like the points related in this video:

·        Video: The Illuminati Control the Music Industry

Once again, whether or not you believe in the possibility of a powerful secret society like The Illuminati is up to you.

Illegal Organizations:

Perhaps one of the most infamous examples of an illegal organization as a major power-player on the world stage is the Mafia. Of Italian descent, the Mafia is well known to exist in Canada, the United States, and in other countries around the world. How much influence on global affairs does it really have?

From “The Godfather,” Image taken from flickr.com

·         Here’s a good explanation of the Mafia. (Britannica)

·         Here’s an interview explaining their relevance today, even though some sources declare it to have been dismantled. (NPR)

So, how much sway does an illegal organization like the Mafia have on the workings of our world? Once again, it’s up to you to try to figure it out.

Advanced Alien Overlords:

Image taken from Wikimedia.org

If you’re looking for proof that aliens exist, you should check out some of Samantha Mason’s blog posts, which are featured here on the Fringe Files. Her stories of documented Alien encounters blur the lines between fact and fiction.

If we suppose that Aliens do exist, then why are they lurking mysteriously on Earth? One of the most obvious answers to that question might be that they are manipulating us, or that they are shaping the development of our species, or that they are possibly even in control of human civilization as a whole.

Scary? Yes. Possible? That’s up to you.


Hopefully, I’ve managed to shed some light on the mysterious forces potentially controlling our world. As for any certainty on the matter, well, you’ll have to go searching for the answers yourself!

(Hah, conclusions… Conspiracy theorists don’t deal in those.)

John Ryan:

Things aren’t always what they seem. John knows this, and he’s willing to help you figure it out too. Follow this Algonquin College student’s quest to expose the lies, and seek the truth!