The Vampire of Sacramento
/Vampires are not as pretty as Edward Cullen from Twilight. This is a true story, based on a young man who might just be suffering from some sort of mental illness, or could this man be quite literally, a vampire. It’s up for you to decide.
Richard Chase (the vampire of Sacramento) a blood-hungry beast, is a very sick man who feasted on other living creatures for sustenance. I am personally surprised he was not locked away in an insane asylum or some high-security prison before he could sink his teeth into anything.
Chase believed the blood pumping through his was slowly turning into powder, and therefore he needed the blood from other creatures for sustenance. At first, Chase would mutilate cats, dogs and whatever animal he could catch. On one occasion they found Chase nude, slathered in blood from head to toe. Chase claimed the blood was his, but later tests uncovered that it was cow blood.
Chase lived in an apartment by himself, but his mom paid his rent and got his groceries for him. Other than that Chase was left completely unsupervised. Chase’s mother was certain her son was a victim of LSD abuse and this strange behaviour was side effects from drug use.
Chase went through a lot of roommates, all of which thought Chase was weird. They reported his heavy drug use and his over the top weird behaviours. At one point he nailed his closet shut cause he was worried people were invading his privacy. It makes you wonder what disgusting secrets he was hiding.
Chase’s mother weened Chase off his medication believing he didn't really need them. One day Chase’s mother heard a noise at the door, she opened it to the horrible sight of her son feasting on a dead cat and smearing the blood all over his face and neck. Chase’s mother never reported this strange incident.
Ever since I heard about Chase and how he picked his victims, I always keep my doors locked whenever possible. When Chase was asked about how he selects his victims he said, “I went down the streets testing doors to find one that was unlocked, if the door was locked that means you’re not welcome.” This method of choosing victims sounds a lot like the old vampire rule where they have to be invited in by the guests.
Police went to arrest Chase after they had enough evidence on him. They banged on his door but he refused to open it. After many failed attempts the police set a trap, they waited outside and sprung on him the moment he exited his home. Afterwards, they searched his apartment and discovered the horrors that awaited them in the apartment. Almost everything was covered in bloodstains, an electric blender covered with blood, and smelled of rot. Chase used this blender to make shakes with whatever organs or animals he could fit inside.
Chase’s first kill was a drive-by shooting. On December 29th, 1977, Ambrose Griffin was helping his wife with the groceries when Chase drove by opening fire with a .22 Calibur pistol and shot him in the chest. This was his cowardly start to his addiction.
On January 23rd, 1978, Chase encountered an unlocked door and in his delusional mind, this meant he was welcome. Chase entered the home and found a pregnant woman Teresa Wallin. Chase shot Wallin 3 times with the same pistol he used before. Chase stabbed her with a butcher knife repeatedly, drinking her blood and cutting out her organs.
On January 27th, 1978, Chase found another unlocked door. Inside were Evelyn Miroth, her six-year-old son, her almost two years old nephew and a friend named Dan Meredith. All of them were shot to death. Evelyn's stomach cut open and organs were missing. The baby was stolen from the scene. Later to be found behind a church decapitated.
Chase was caught and sentenced to death via the gas chamber. The other inmates knew of Chase's crimes, they taunted him and encouraged him to commit suicide, Which Chase
did. Stashing the anti-anxiety pills until he had a lethal dose. Chase was later found dead, his death ruled an overdose.
Lock your doors, you might have a local vampire testing doors on your street. Make sure when they test your door, they get the message that they are not welcome.
Shawn Logan
Just a guy who loves to be creative. Loves shows and wants to create his own show someday.