Frozen in fear of the thought of losing you.
Snapshot moment kept forever, lasting forever.
Dreams come so quick, but nightmares are timeless.
Like frozen water on the ground, I fell for you.
I stood myself up, I brushed myself off, I healed the cuts leftover.
I let ice form around me, to protect me, I’m only me.
Me, me, me, me, memory, memorize.
The script so I don’t freeze when people ask.
“Are you okay?”, I’m ok, I’M FINE.
I don’t know why they ask; I don’t know why I answer.
Nothing ever happened, you made sure of that.
Stopped it, froze it, crushed it.
“What is it?” you ask.
It’s my heart, my soul, my pain, the cold.
It’s all I’ve ever known.
Kurt Thuot
Kurt is a 24-year-old author who may or may not be a hopeless romantic. He likes long walks on the beach at sunset and pina-coladas in the rain. He also likes cliches. While Kurt may not call himself a poet, he does believe in speaking from the heart.