Get Jigsaw (Jiggy) With It

You’ve seen a variety of puzzles that I’ve made now, but there’s still more to show. These puzzles are meant for children, but I bought them anyway. I bought them from Zellers and since they were closing everything was on sale, so I bought these puzzles for about three dollars. I thought to myself, three dollars, why not?


As you can see, this first puzzle is a Disney puzzle. If you remember from my last post, I mentioned that I love Disney. I don’t remember how many pieces this one is, but I’m pretty sure its either 40 or 50. Clearly, it isn’t very big, so I did it by myself and it took me about five minutes to put it together. I said in my last post that I was going to frame my puzzles and put them on my basement walls, but I’m not going to do that with these puzzles since they’re so small.

100 Pieces

100 Pieces




This round puzzle is also Disney. Although it’s only 100 pieces it was a little harder to put together since it’s round. The end pieces were confusing to put together since they were oddly shaped. I put this puzzle together by myself too and it didn’t take very long either. My friend also bought a puzzle like this, but hers was a picture of all the Disney villains. I wanted the one she got, but it was the only one left in the store, so I got this one instead.


100 Pieces (Each)

100 Pieces (Each)







These next four puzzles are all Iron Man. You might ask why I bought puzzles of Iron Man and the reason is that he’s my favourite Marvel superhero. I have many things that are related to Iron Man, such as: a poster, two piggy banks, a Hot Wheels car, two plastic cups, a small figurine, all three Iron Man movies, The Avengers movie, and a MacBook sticker that I haven’t put on my computer yet. My friends think I’m crazy for basically having an Iron Man shrine in my room.





Guess what time it is. It’s time for another update on my 4000-piece puzzle! I cleaned up my brother’s mess and laid out all the pieces again, so hopefully he doesn’t decide to flip them over again. My friends and I have made some progress and started completing the right side of the puzzle. You might have noticed in the first two pictures that the border wasn’t completely connected and in this picture, it is. We thought that we were missing pieces, but it turned out that a couple of pieces were in the wrong spot, so it messed up the border. Tune in for more completion of this puzzle!



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Manuela Panuccio

She is a 20-year-old student who is currently enrolled in Professional Writing at Algonquin College. Besides making puzzles, she enjoys hanging out with friends, watching movies, writing stories, reading, baking, and sleeping.

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