Keeping On Track
With all the distractions that come with being in a band it can be hard to stay on track. It’s easy to forget about your responsibilities and focus on music. But Chasing Amber is making efforts to keep our non-musical lives running smoothly.
Opportunities to tour as bar band in Ontario can be tempting, and Chasing Amber has already had such offers. But with two of our member still enrolled in high school, and myself with one year left in college, Chasing Amber has made a group decision to stay in Brockville for the remainder of the school year.
We made this choice because we don’t want to shoot ourselves in the feet if our goal of music stardom doesn’t come to fruition. You hear about people and bands who dropped out of high school because they were talented, a good example of that is country music star Keith Urban; who dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and moved to the United States for a shot at fame.
Going to work or school can seem boring when you compare it to the thrill of a live show, but for at least a few more months, it’s a boredom that we are happy to deal with, for more reasons than just the education. Spending more time playing small shows and practicing to make sure that when we do decide to go on tour, we will be well rehearsed and prepared for the life of a musician. For now one of the things we do is make short videos covering songs of other artists. It can gain us fans and it’s something for the band to do together that can be very fun.
A cover of "Save You" By the band Simple Plan
My name is Jamie Sturgeon, and I am one of the founding members of a young band called Chasing Amber consisting of members; Cameron Roderick, Brandon Roderick, Austin Stevenson, Dustyn Locke, and myself. I am in the second year of the Professional Writing program at Algonquin College. I have not played music for very long only have about 4 years of experience under my belt but a host a very talented individuals including myself have banded together to create a group that has the potential to break into the music industry. I am responsible for the piano, keys, and acoustic guitar in both recording sessions and live shows. My blog will be a personal journey through the different areas in which Chasing Amber plans to excel or is involved in.