William Au on the Special Project
/Name: William Au
Age: 24
Occupation: Degen
Favourite Pro Writing Class: Creative writing seminar
What has working on this magazine taught you?
I didn’t learn anything; the special project is a great opportunity to brush up on the skills you’ve developed from the program. There’s actually a surprising amount of work, which includes proofreading, posting on social media, conducting interviews, and working with Indesign and Squarespace.
What were you most excited about?
Back then, I was simply happy to even be a part of this project. I’m a tardy person who tends to make mistakes, so I’m glad I was able to graduate with everyone I’ve gotten to know during these last two years.
What do you wish you had more time for?
I wish I had more time to devote towards my interests and improving my writing. College is short but takes up a lot of time if you try to squeeze out all its worth. As for the magazine, I wish we were able to include more submissions because the magazine is only a small sample of the great writing I’ve read. However, time and printing costs are incontestable constraints that make certain things impossible.
What advice do you have for future students doing placement on campus?
The special project is a hands-off undertaking, which means it’s best to work at your own pace, consult others, and be flexible when surprises arise. Also, the period for placement overlaps with exams, so expect a stressful environment. If your emotions are at a low, don’t push yourself and take some time to wind-down. Last but not least, here is some advice for those who tend to be overzealous in their pursuit of writing. School may be a safe environment for providing critique and receiving feedback, but not every opportunity is a moment for improvement. Don’t forget that everyone has different reasons for writing and to respect their decisions.