When Paper Still Mattered
/Burkhardt's (Akron, OH), Acme (California), Blatz (Milwaukee, WI), Hamm's (St.Paul, MN).
I have spent a lot of space discussing metal and glass breweriana, but have been remiss not discussing paper advertising products.
Cheaper and more practical than metal or glass signage, paper had long been an advertising medium in the beer production business. Unfortunately due to changes in technology, media and social trends, paper advertising has become a thing of the past.
I have picked up a few items over the years but have been lazy in terms of presenting them as a part of my collection. The main reason is that unlike cans, bottles and trays; paper items usually take some extra work (framing and matting) in order to be displayed properly. I’m hoping this blog will get me off my ass and encourage me to do something with these handsome items.
With the creation of disposable lighters and a decline in smoking, paper matchbooks are not nearly as common as they used to be. In terms of advertising, I’m not sure if exotic dance clubs even use them anymore. However, back in the 1940s and 50s, they were commonplace in terms of an advertising medium. Much like other breweriana from the time, the graphics are eye-catching.
Some matchbooks would advertise a brand of beer on one side and an establishment that served it on the other. One can only imagine what the Roslyn Grill or Mile Away Tavern would have been like back in the day. I think that encouraging us to imagine how things were is one of the great things that antiques can do.
The first item I plan to get framed is an American college football contest sheet. It was produced by the Atlantic Company of Atlanta, Georgia; who manufactured Atlantic and Steinerbru Beer and Ale. Unlike the $5 I pay for my weekly football pool sheet, this one was free. The premise was simple (as it is today), circle the winner in each of the 25 games and the person who picks the most correct wins. Unlike the sheet I play, the weekly winner and runner-up won a case of beer and the person who had the best weekly average at the end of the year won a 1938 Packard Six Sedan automobile. Ah, the good old days!
Here is some interesting information about the history of brewing in the southern US. http://books.google.ca/books?id=wGKckcBCbm0C&pg=PA61&lpg=PA61&dq=atlantic+brewing+atlanta&source=bl&ots=qoNH1aw3-g&sig=fQ28MBcUCDU47q-EOXMbROyA8Hw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=cp6kUvjJL4XXqAHPjYGQCw&ved=0CF8Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=atlantic%20brewing%20atlanta&f=false