The Disappearance of Theadosia Burr
/AARON BURR 1756-1836
Most people hear the name Theadosia Burr and think of the song “Dear Theadosia” from Hamilton. At least, if you’re me, you do. Did you know about her mysterious disappearance? I bet you didn’t because Lynn Manuel did not put that in the musical. On her way to see her father, Theadosia was lost at sea, but many historians’ debates about how she died. Some say it was a storm, while others say it was pirates. As for what I believe, I think it was pirates. Come on, the daughter of a prominent American political figure, that’s got to be worth a healthy ransom. Or at the very least, a good story to tell your other pirate friends.
Her death shouldn’t be all she’s known for. She was a very highly educated woman during her time that she was alive. Theadosia spoke 4 languages. French, English, Greek and Latin. This being very rare for a woman at the time. From the letters between her and her father, Aaron Burr, the former Vice President of the United States, you can clearly see her intelligence and tenacity. Theodosia Burr was loyal to a fault. She attempted to get her father back after being exiled to Europe for killing Alexander Hamilton. Theadosia even supported him in scheming to create his own country. Don’t ask! I mean, seriously, I could write a whole different blog post about what Burr did after he killed Hamilton. But really, who has the time for thar? You can’t really blame her though; Burr basically molded her into a mini version of himself. Poor woman. I can’t help feeling back for Burr though, losing his only child. At least when Hamilton’s son died, he had 7 other children to keep him company.
The fact that people don’t know more about Theadosia is quite frankly, astounding given how highly intelligent she was. Given how popular the musical “Hamilton” is, you would think people would know more about her. Unfortunately, people don’t know too much about her. Women in history often get forgotten, with history having its eyes mostly focused on men. That needs to change! Theadosia Burr was a very impressive woman! People need to make more of an effort to learn more about Theadosia Burr’s history. That is to say, the women of history often get overlooked. You could write a whole musical about Theadosia’s life alone. Would it sell as many tickets a Hamilton or win as many Tony’s? No probably not. But would you still watch it? Ya, you would... even if Lynn Walsh doesn’t write it.
I hope that this blog inspires you to learn more about Theadosia, and other women in history. Hey, if you’re going to the Hamilton route, might I recommend The Tragedy of Angelica Hamilton.
Hi, I’m Amy Claire Lawford. I am a Professional Writing student at Algonquin College. I am the resident disabled history buff. History in high school was rather boring, all they talked about was WW1 and WW2. Let’s be honest though, the interesting side of history is the dark side. I can’t wait to show you all the dark and twisted things, that I have in store for you. Brace yourselves. Let’s hope that you don’t get nightmares.