We Need to Talk
/Fighting depression is messy, exhausting and can leave you feeling grimy from the inside out.
You feel like you're drowning in the balancing act between school, work, and life, and you feel like you're drowning in yourself too.
You don't have to go through this alone.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert and these are only recommendations. Should you be experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts, or other mental health issues, please talk to your doctor, another professional or a loved one and seek help.
Where can you go to get help?
At Algonquin College
The strike means Algonquin students are faced with another "settling" period that we didn't bank on. If you haven’t already checked out the strike info page: http://www.algonquincollege.com/strikeinfo/
Emails with further details and updates will find their way into your inbox too.
You can make an appointment to speak with someone, visit a nutritionist, and find other helpful activities, apps, and resources without having to leave campus, here: http://www.algonquincollege.com/healthservices/wellness/
You can also read more about Counselling Services for Current Students here: http://www.algonquincollege.com/counselling/services-for-current-students/
In Ottawa
Walk-In Counselling: the link below will help you find the right counselling for you. They have services for a variety of ages. If you are feeling depressed and you need to talk to someone, this would be a good start to find facilities near you. http://www.ementalhealth.ca/Ottawa-Carleton/Walk-In-Counselling/index.php?m=heading&ID=442
You should also visit this website’s homepage for more information. They have Mental Health Info Sheets and other resources, including weekly tips to help you maintain a healthy mind. http://www.ementalhealth.ca/
At Home
Seek professional help first and then try these activities.
Get out of wherever you are, move around and exercise a bit if you have the energy. Go outside and look around. It can really help to change your environment.
Friends: plan a sleepover (you don’t have to be a kid to enjoy a good pyjama party). If you feel comfortable, be honest and tell your friend that you’d like to spend a night at their house because you’ve been feeling depressed or stressed. They'll probably want to help and do what they can to take care of you (just like you'd do for them if roles were reversed). It's okay to let them take the lead once in a while.
Writing a journal: Don’t know what to write? Look up some jokes that make you laugh and write those down. Make lists of things you enjoy. You can also vent in a journal. I find it helps me to get everything off my mind that’s been bothering me recently.
Getting help should always be your priority. It can seem overwhelming and scary but...
It gets easier as soon as you decide it's possible.
Mary Jane's writing obsession started in 7th grade (writing low-quality fanfiction). Later, she discovered how to develop her own stories, and now she’s in Professional Writing at Algonquin college to take her fiction to the next level. Oh, and she’s still a huge nerd.