How Much Do You Know About Your Cat?
/7 FAQs about cats
1. What is the average lifespan of cats?
The environment they live in, maintenance, health, and whether or not the cat is sterilized are all factors that affect the lifespan of a cat. That being said, the average domestic cat can live from 10 to 20 years, and in the wild cats can survive from 2 to 16 years.
2. How do I know my cat is sick?
Most animals, including cats, tend to hide when they’re in pain because of their nature, making it hard for owners to notice when they’re sick. As an owner you really need to be observant of your cat’s behaviour so it’s easier for you to recognize unusual habits. The most noticeable changes cats go through when they’re sick are: hiding in a quiet out-of-the-way place; eating, drinking, and/or urinating/defecating more or less than normal; constant vomiting during the day; diarrhea or constipation; constant coughing. If you notice any of the these symptoms, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.
3. Is it safe to let my cat out?
Cats can do well in the wild, but despite this many experts recommend not letting your cat out. There are many dangers for cats including predators, cars, diseases, or disappearances. Cats can also bring fleas, ticks, pollen, and other allergens from the environment into your home. There are lots of domestic cats doing well outdoors—the decision is at each owner’s risk. Make sure you are also following city bylaws: in some places letting your cat out is actually illegal.
4. What can I do if my cat is picky when it comes to food?
If your cat refuses to eat the food you’re offering, try to change it up. If you just serve your furry friend dry food, consider mixing it with wet food. Maybe your cat is not into the flavour of the food. When you finally find something they’re happy with, don’t change it. Changing their food too often might confuse them and make them lose their appetite. Routines are also a good idea: establish times for your cat to eat at.
5. Is canned tuna good for cats?
Canned tuna as a treat is good to satisfy you cat’s craving for fish, but not as a daily diet. Tuna alone is not nutritionally complete. Tuna sold especially for cats is not pure tuna, but also contains other nutrients, such as added vitamins and minerals. Consuming too much tuna can cause your cat to develop a Vitamin E deficiency and put them at risk of mercury poisoning. If your cat is a fish lover, look for foods that contain salmon or wet fish food made especially for cats to satisfy cravings.
6. Why is my cat eating grass?
Grass has natural laxative benefits which help your cat go regularly to the litter box, especially if their digestive tracts are clogged by fur. Grass also relieves an upset stomach; you may notice that your cat vomits shortly after eating grass but they’re actually doing this on purpose. In the process of throwing up, cats get rid of fur, parasites, feathers, and bones, which can irritate their digestive tract. But if your cat eats large amounts of grass everyday, consult your veterinarian.
7. What does catnip do to cats?
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) is a plant containing nepetalactone: the chemical compound that attracts and affects cats. It is a stimulant when sniffed by cats, producing a high similar to marijuana. The effect lasts 10 minutes before wearing off and going back to normal. When cats consume catnip, it acts as a sedative.
This FAQ only includes the most asked questions on the internet. There could be a long list of questions about your cat’s health and behaviours, but if you are unsure about something your cat is doing don’t only rely on the internet—make sure to contact an expert before acting on it.
Clarissa L. Flores
Clarissa L. Flores is a 19 year-old in the Professional Writing program at Algonquin Colllege. Originally from Mexico she came to Canada to expand her knowledge on writing, turning a hobby into a career. If she’s not listening to music or daydreaming, she probably has her nose in a book.