5 Simple Tips to get Motivated – and Keep it!

Finding the motivation to reach your goals in life is probably just as tough as actually reaching them. It’s the first step you need to take to bring you closer to your destination. Here are 5 simple tips to help you find motivation to eat healthy and get the body you deserve!





1. Look up different workouts and routines that are your level and make your own workout plan. When I first started my journey to fitness and healthy living, I went to many different sites, like Pinterest and Tumblr, to try and find easy, step-by-step workout routines that fit my level of fitness and physique. Once I found the perfect workouts for me, I made a workout plan, sometimes dividing the different routines that workout specific areas of the body, and assigned them all a day. For example, Monday would be leg day; workouts that help my legs and thighs. Tuesday would be arm day; workouts that help my shoulders and arms, etc.


2. Keep a journal or log of all your workouts and document your current weight at the end of every week to keep track of your progress. One of the biggest enemies of motivation, is deception. Our minds have a way of playing tricks on us and making us think things that aren’t true. This kind of thinking has led people to believe they are much more out of shape than they are, and develop an eating disorder. One of the best ways to beat that, is to keep track of everything you do, and all the progress you make. At the end of every week, it is good to keep track of what your current weight is, and compare it to the week before. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but you can still see the small changes and improvements you’re making to your body, and get a physical sense of how amazing you’re doing!





3. Set achievable weekly and monthly goals, like a weight goal, lift goal, etc. This is another great way to physically see your improvement each week. If you have decided to do 25 squats for every leg day, set a goal for the end of the month to have bumped that up to 35. If you lift 20 lbs, make a goal for the end of the month or week to hit 30 lbs.


4. Count your calories and keep track of your meals to make sure you are consuming the required number of calories and other nutrients every day, to help keep your overall health and body in perfect balance with your new active lifestyle. This helps you see the positive changes you are making to your health, and get you excited for what you’re going to look and feel like when you do hit that goal.


5. Write down how you feel after every workout, regardless of what it is or how long it was. When you wake up on those cold, lazy Sunday mornings and don’t have the motivation to get up and go for a run, or do your routine workout, you can pull out the pages where you wrote how amazing it might have felt after doing even a half hour cardio workout, and compare it to how you feel right then. Is it worth it to skip out? Will you regret it? 




What other ways do you try and get motivated? Let me know in the comments below!


I have had a passion for literature since the day Dr. Seuss started to make sense. Healthy living is just one of the many other strong passions I have, and combining two great passions is living what I believe is a fulfilled life. Walk through my arranged blogs on the joy and knowledge of healthy living!