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the humans,

the waste of the earth,

have buried its beauty in our filth.


the trash of the planet –

have made it so disgusting that it makes life here nearly unbearable.


the virus –

have infected the natural world and destroyed it.
Life on earth is ugly, distasteful and wrong.


the humans –

have infected so much of the world
now have moved on to what lies beyond to infect everything.
We were an incurable virus which adapted and spread.

We, humans –

make all other life invalid. 
We humans fight each other for things they believe they deserve.
We humans create rules and laws that they cannot follow.
We humans over complicate ourselves.
We humans abuse the earth.

But there is hope,


Refuse to believe that the world is over.

We humans have not infected every part of the world,

not yet.
There are still the oceans.

The deepest,



parts of the ocean

still untouched directly by human waste.
Down where the pressure is immense.

There where the sun's light never illuminates or warms.
There where the darkness is void.
There in the ocean –

is hope.
There is a cure to the disease that we, the humans, are.
Ocean be the cure to the humans.


Written by Doreen Rivoire