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Moon Landing - it is real or fake?

Is moon landing real or fake? This is a question that has been nagging in people’s heads for years upon years. According to an article written by Space.com, it is a hoax that has been spreading like a wildfire on the internet for over 50 years, after Apollo 11 took place. For those who aren't familiar, Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the moon. 


One example of this ongoing argument is from back in February of 2001, when Fox Broadcasting released a documentary called, “Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On The Moon?”, in which a man named Phil Plait worked tirelessly, doing everything he possibly could to prove that, yes, Moon Landing is in fact real.  


Plait has stated that he wished that the documentary had never aired. He has said, “ ...it opened a huge Pandora’s box. On the other hand, it’s exposing a wound to sunlight. That thing was there anyway, festering. Let it get out to the public, and let it heal, and let it kill the infection.”  


Even though people were, and still are, extremely skeptical of moon landing, people are well aware that astronauts such as Neil Armstrong had stepped on the moon on July 20th, 2”1969. For example, the movie, “Diamonds Are Forever” featuring James Bond, even made a comment about fake moon landings, when it hit the big screen two years later, in 1971. 

Another article that I had looked at was by The Rolling Stones, which gives us a quick overlook of the history of conspiracy theories about moon landing. The article starts out by saying, “the moon is weird,” which, yes, I would agree in some cases. Another statistic that it gives us is the fact that only 12 people have actually been to the moon of all mankind, which is so crazy to think about as it seems like so much more.  


Some examples of people’s uneducated opinions include: 


  1. The moon is made of cheese. 

  1. Women’s menstrual cycles are affected by the lunar cycle. 


Both of these things are almost hilariously inaccurate.  


The third and final article I will be looking at is by the Washington Post. In the title, it mentions that theorists are still “howling” at the “moon hoax.” The first small paragraph of this article, which was written back in 2019, mentions that the President-at-the-time, Donald Trump, had ordered Nasa to put astronauts back on the moon by the year 2024.  


In this article , one of the main points says that, “None of this will change the minds of people who live in a parallel belief universe where NASA faked the Apollo Moon landings.” - Confusing much? Because of the times in which we are living now, people are much more gullible to falling for conspiracy theories and rumours. So much so, that even a topic such as this can have people going at each other over literal nonsense.